Maria Gray Pure Flesh and Blood Painter, actress, professor of Dramatic Arts and Stage Director, Graduate of the Royal School for Dramatic Arts in Madrid. The artist, of Venezuelan origin, has alternated television, radio, film and theater, with painting, the reason for Which Gray considers the creative process as supersedesmerely Something Which drama. I look for an idea, or one emerge from me, I consider all four sides of it and I choose the facet or facets That Look To Be The Most attractive for my Objective. It all flows from my experience, so my pictorical and theatrical Experiences Can Be seen like a cross pollination. "In her latest exposition, Fernando Polanco work 'referred to Gray as Pure flesh and blood and added Its like one of Those Whose drugs effect events Hardly one notices Until We realize That in fact-it has taken control of us.Manhattan Completely Hispanic Chamber of Commerce INVITES YOU TO THE ARTISTS OPENING RECEPTION AS HISPANIC ENTREPRENEURS Featuring works of: MARIA GRAY Tuesday, February 6RD. to 27th. 2004 * 1:00 pm @ CITIBANK One Rockefeller Plaza (48 Street off Fifth Avenue) Manhattan Or Better Said, like an unexplainable and Worrying nightmare That will take us all morning to figure out.